Gratitude journals are scientifically proven to increase happiness and lessen mild depression.  Feeling happier benefits your physical and mental health, your family, friends, community, and our world.  Find out more.

How HappySpree Gratitude Journal Works:

1)  Click an icon to rate your day.

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2) A happiness counter tracks your happy days. 

Challenging days happen (if your pet rock dies 🤣 or an important relationship ends).  These days are appropriate because we need to process negative emotions. 

An all-time happy day counter will total your happy days for an overall happiness  snapshot.

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3) List happy moments from your day.

These can be big (work promotion, met an important goal) or small (made a baby smile, enjoyed hiking today, finally pooped 🤣.  

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4) If you add a photo your photos will display in a slideshow to savor again and again.

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5) Consider increasing happiness for a friend or family member by sharing your journal entry by email.

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